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会社名     ENGLISH SCHOOL ROSY イングリッシュスクールロージー
電話番号  080 1675 6600


住所        〒963-0725 福島県郡山市田村町金屋字上川原274-3

☆ 時間割に基づいて受講されるコースと人数によりスケジュールを組みます。





☆ 受講料 ☆ 


● 入学金 10,000円 年会費 3,000円  テキスト代 5,000円




⇒ 年間受講となっております。


● Basic Conversation 月額 10,000円  


● Group Conversation  月額 10,000円  


● Business Conversation 月額 15,000円 


● Travel Conversation 全5回 10,000円 


● Intermediate・Advanced Conversation 月額 10,000円  


● Exam preparation course  月額 10,000円  


● Listening exercise course  月額 10,000円  


● Bilingual training program focused on intensive listening  月額 10,000円  

● Skype lesson 月額 10,000円   

● 他のコースとの併用受講も可です !!






⇒どのコースを受講しても、1レッスン5,000円 !!  但し、月額コースとの時間的な重複を避ける

   ため予約が必要となります。(*) 月額コースを受講される方のみに適用されます。



● 1レッスン5,000円の受講に関しましてはご相談ください。その都度時間割等の考慮の上、


● 営業時間 (レッスン時間は最大90分間です。火・水曜は休講です。)                                                             

  月~金曜日 10:30~18:30

  土・日曜日 10:30~18:30                     




● お問い合わせ、ご質問またはご要望などお気軽にご連絡ください。





                ☆ レッスンコース紹介 ☆




                                            < Basic Conversation >

○ class contents:Everyday English conversation based on whatever topics you're interested in.

                            ( Self-introduction, what you would like to talk about such subjects as your hobbies, music, movie, sports,

                              cooking, your dream…you name it.  )

○ object people: high school students~any people from all  walks of life who want to acquire

                              everyday English conversation



○ age→ young, old and those in-between



○ class size:5 people per lesson

○ text:Tailor-made texts that I make to meet each of your needs based on your level and demands,

            and also I make lesson plans that are best suited for your convenience, but of course you

            can bring any kind of materials like magazines to talk about and you can choose any kind of

            subjects that you're interested in. Basically free conversation.

○ lesson time: 90 minutes, between classes you can take 5-minute break if you want 

○ drink :Coffee or tea is served for free.


○ smoking:available outside




                                                 < Group Conversation >


○ class contents : Enjoyable conversation program that is something like what Japanese call " Circle "

                               which actually is described in English as " university club activities " where you can

                               have fun with group conversation with your potential friends you will meet up

                               here or your real life friends who you hang out with in your actual life.


○ object people : Those who want to enjoy English conversation with your friends like Circle (club



○ age : young, old and those in between


○ class size : 5 people per lesson


○ text : No text. Basically I bring up subjects that I think are interesting to you,  but of course you can talk

             freely with your friends including me.


○ lesson time :90 minutes, between classes you can take some break whenever you like.


○ drink :Coffee or tea is served for free, but you can bring your own whatever drink you like except



○ smoking : available outside or smoking room





                                                < Business Conversation >


○ class contents :Business English conversation that is focused on real business situations.

                               You can acquire what you need for your work using English.


○ object people : Those who want to learn business English in a lot of situations that you are involved in

                              or you will be in the days ahead.


○ age→ young, old and those in between


○ class size :5 people per lesson


○ text : Tailor-made texts that are based on a wide variety of business situations. I make texts that will be

             best suited for each of your needs. 


○ lesson time :90 minutes, between classes you can take 5-minute break if you want


○ drink :Coffee or tea is served for free.


○ smoking : available outside






                             < Travel Conversation >


○ class contents : Program that is made so that you can enjoy traveling not only in English speaking

                               countries but all around the world with useful expressions that are often used in real 



○ object people : Those who want to have fun traveling overseas in English.


○ age→ available to all ages


○ class size : 5 people per lesson


○ text : Tailor-made texts that are best suited for a lot of situations that you will come across when you

            actually travel abroad.


○ lesson time : 90 minutes, between classes you can take 5-minute break if you want


○ drink : Coffee or tea is served for free.


○ smoking : available outside






              < Intermediate・Advanced Conversation >

○ class contents:Higher level of conversation than basic conversation⇒discussion and debate. 

                                 You can choose any subject. 


○ object people: Those who want to improve interactive and productive conversation through discussion

                                or debate ( no limit of age )


○ age → young, old and those in-between

○class size: 4 people per lesson


○ lesson time:90 minutes, between classes 5-minute break if you want

○ text:materials will be handed out according to the subject  you’re interested in.


○ drink : Coffee or tea is served for free.


○ smoking:available outside






                    < Exam preparation course >

○ class contents:


 Preparation for English exams such as  Eiken(英検)and TOEIC…etc.

 In addtion, you can acquire grammar that you focus on the image that each grammar has in its core.  

It's completely different than you study at schools. It's an eye-popping method.

 On top of that, you can acquire skimming ( high-speed reading ) that saves you time and helps you get through lots of materials really quickly.Also you can learn sight translation that is very effective for high-speed reading. This method is used for training for professional interpretation.                   

○ object people:Those who want to get high scores on exams. ⇒ junior high~no limit of age


○ class size:5 people per class ( based on the exam you take)


○ lesson time:90 minutes, 5- minute break if you want


○ text: Test prep materials that will be best suited for each actual  exam, of course you can choose any 

              materials you want to use for the exam preparation.


○ drink : Coffee or tea is served for free.


○ smoking:available outside





                       < Listening exercise course >

○ class size:5 people per class


○ classroom time:90 minutes, between classes 5- minute break if you want


○ object people: those who want to be able to improve listening comprehension skill and want to be

                            able to enjoy movies and dramas without Japanese subtitles.


○ class contents:


Improve your listening comprehension skills, using materials that are relatively easy to understand such as useful websites for listening training and stuff.(some video clips from websites online that include useful expressions that you can use in your actual lives ) Not only that, other listening materials that will be useful for your listening comprehension are prepared for your convenience based on your level and interests.


○ drink : Coffee or tea is served for free.


○ smoking:available outside




                         < Bilingual training program focused on intensive listening >  




○ class contents:original program that I invented, focused on  shadowing and dictation

→ Listen again and again until you catch what speakers are talking about and write down useful words

    or expressions on pieces of paper.

     Make your own notes so that you can read out sentences you make yourself later on, this method

     leads to speaking practice and word memorization.

○ object people: Those who want to improve listening and speaking skills dramatically.


○ class size: 5  people per class

○ materials:Internet sites such as CNN, ABC, NPR, etc. The websites that are used for lesson is based

                    on your level of English proficiency.

○ classroom time:90 minutes, between classes 5-minute break if you want 


○ drink :Coffee or tea is served for free.


○ smoking : available outside

                                                                 <Skype lesson>

○ class contents : Skype lesson that is available everywhere you are using laptop or desktop computer.

                               You can choose​ whatever topics you are interested in whether it's business English or

                              everyday English conversation.

○ object people :  Those who want to enjoy English lesson at home via Skype.


○ class size : one-on-one

○ materials : I will send you texts via e-mail for the upcoming lesson you would like to take at home.

○ lesson time : 60  or up to 90 minutes based on your schedule or convenience


☆ ​郡山市 英会話 個人 マンツーマンレッスン中心ですが、グループレッスンも充実しています。

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